Cellular and Molecular Biotechnologies for Medical Applications (2010-2012)

This program is dedicated to young PhD-s in biology, chemistry, physics, medicine and pharmacology interested in Post Doc fellowships at European level on the following topics:

  • Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics si Bioinformatics;
  • Molecular Cell Biology;
  • Cellular Therapies;
  • Biomaterials, nanostructures, pharmacophores.

The research and study programs are held by a Consortium consisting in: the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy; the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of USAMV Cluj; The Clinical Institute for Digestive Diseases and Hepatic Transplant Fundeni - Bucharest; The Laboratory of Surface-Plasma Laser Interactions of the National Institute of Laser Physics Magurele - Bucharest; the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" - Timisoara; and the Faculty of Chemistry of the University Bucharest.

Those interested to signing up for the fellowship competition are directed to the Registration section. Suplemental information regarding the research topics and terms & conditions can be found under Consortium, Topics and Contacts.

The Post Doc fellowship Program: "Celluar and Molecular Biotechnologies for Medical Application aims at continuing the training of young PhDs in biology, chemistry, physics medical & pharmaceutical sciences for careers in research.

The advanced training in Medical Biotechnology Research is achieved by:

  1. targeted individual research projects;
  2. the design, implementation si colaboration in integrated research projects;
  3. educational training sessions in advanced and emerging fields of the domain, which are not part of the Graduate or PhD curricula.
  4. educational training sessions in research management.

This Program is carried out by a Consortium of 6 institutions with signifficant experience in research education: the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy; USAMV Cluj; the Clinical Institute for Digestive Diseases and Hepatic Transplant Fundeni - Bucharest; The Institute of Physics and Material Science Technologies; the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara; and the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Bucharest.

In the next 36 month the Program will train 40 young Post Docs, selected by interview in sessions held every 6 months on the following research topics:

  1. Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics and Bioinformatics;
  2. Molecular Cell Biology;
  3. Cellular Therapies;
  4. Biomaterials, nanostructures and pharmacophores.

The young Post Docs could propose, in consensus with the senior research supervisers of the Consortium, projects in the following research areas: Dezvoltare medicamente antivirale fata de virusului hepatitei B si C - IB Nanostructuri pentru eliberare controlata de medicamente - INCD Laser Physics Sinteza dirijata si screeningul unor compusi cu activitate streso-protectoare - UB

  • Module 1: Genomics, Proteomics, Metabolomics si Bioinformatics:
    1. Development of Bioinformatics Tools for genomics, proteomics, glicomics etc - IB
    2. Molecular modelling of protein structure and interaction with ligands - IB
    3. Genomics applications in organ and cellular transplant - Inst Fundeni
    4. Desmoplastic reaction and pancreatic cancer progression - Inst Fundeni
    5. Metabolomics and molecular markers for taxonomic recognition - USAMV Cluj
    6. Molecular markers for food authentification - USAMV Cluj
    7. Applied chemometry aplicata for food authentification - USAMV Cluj
    8. The structure and function of cellular signalling enzymes - IB
  • Module 2: the Molecular Biology of the Cell:
    1. The cellular homeostasis of proteins in normal and patological states - IB
    2. Molecular mechanisms of ER stress and pancreatic beta cells - IB
    3. Unfolded protein accumulation in cancer and hipoxia models - IB
    4. The expression of glycosylation products receptors in inflamation and diabet - IB
    5. The morfology and intracellular trafic of Hep B & C virus - IB
    6. Mesenchimal Stem Cells and tumoral fibroblasts comparative studies - UMF Timisoara
    7. Mesenchimal Stem Cell differentiation toward adipocytes - UMF Timisoara
    8. The cellular response to abiotic stress in S.cerevisiae - UB
  • Module 3: Cellular Therapies:
    1. Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapies in hepatic diseases - Inst Fundeni
    2. Clinical applications of the Cellular Therapies in hepatic diseases - Inst Fundeni
    3. Mesenchimal Stem Cell Therapies in re-epithelization processes - UMF Timisoara
    4. pancreatic beta cells in diabet and regenerative medicine - Inst Fundeni
    5. Methods for improving pancreatic islands viability after isolation and transplant.
    6. The engineering of a glucose-responsive insuline secretory cell-line for therapeutic application;
    7. Exocytosis and fussion of secretory granulae with the cellmembrane in pancreatic beta cells lines - IB
    8. Laser cell transfer for tissular engineering and organ reconstruction - INCD Laser Physics
  • Module 4: Biomaterials, nanostructures and pharmacophores:
    1. Antiviral drug design for hep B and C viruses - IB
    2. Nanostructures for controlled drug release - INCD Laser Physics
    3. Directional synthesis and screening of stresso-protective compoundse - UB
    4. Lasser applications in nanostructures for controlled drug administration, implants and tissue reconstruction - INCD Laser Physics
    5. Biomaterial laser nanostructuring for pharmaceutical applications - INCD Laser Physics
    6. Implant nanostructure biocompatibility si bioactivity - INCD Laser Physics

Post Docs 2010


Post Docs 2011


Post Docs 2012



Submitted Patents

  • Popovici E, Morjan I, Alexandrescu R, Voicu I, Gavrila Florescu C-L, Morjan I, Luculescu R, Dumitrache F, Sandu I, Fleaca C-T, Scarisoreanu G-M, Dutu E, Barbut A-D, "Brevet OSIM-A_201100394-270411: "Instalatie de sinteza cu laser de mare productivitate de nanostructuri din precursori lichizi cu mare toxicitate si periculozitate prin vaporizare termica cu obtinerea fazei gazoase la temperaturi peste limita temperaturii de fierbere si sub limita temperaturii de descompunere cu control automat precis si riguros al temperaturii pana la 500 0C cu grad mare de reproductibilitate a sintezei." Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrial.-BOPI, Sectiunea Brevete de Inventie,9/2012, bopi_inv_0911_2012, pg. 27, (2012)
  • Popovici E, Morjan I, Alexandrescu R, Voicu I, Gavrila F, Carmen L , Morjan I, Luculescu R-C, Dumitrache F, Sandu I, Fleaca C-T, Scarisoreanu G-M-, Dutu E, Barbut A-D, Niculescu A, "Brevet OSIM-2011-01196-221111: "Ansamblu de electrozi a-k de descarcare de inalta tensiune pentru laserii de mare putere cu co2 cu circulatia transversala a gazelor gt-1200." Buletinul Oficial de Proprietate Industrial.-BOPI, Sectiunea Brevete de Inventie, 7/2012, bopi_inv_0712_2012, pg. 58 (2012)
  • Surdu- Bob CC, Badulescu M, Iacob C, "Nanocompozit antimicrobian ecologic, permanent si cu spectru larg de actiune si echipament pentru realizarea acestuia." Reg.Dep.OSIM: A / 01267 / 02.12.2010 (2010)
  • Marin M, Ghenea S, Petrescu SM, "Anticorpi policlonali anti EDEM 1." Reg.Dep.OSIM: A / 00988 / 18.10.2010 (2010)
  • Chiritoiu G, Ghenea S, Petrescu SM, "Anticorpi policlonali anti EDEM 2." Reg.Dep.OSIM: A / 00989 / 18.10.2010 (2010)
  • Ghenea S, Alexandru P, Petrescu SM, "Anticorpi policlonali anti EDEM 3." Reg.Dep.OSIM: A / 00990 / 18.10.2010 (2010)

The 2013 Conference of the POSDRU Program

Bucharest, 26-27 March 2013

The 2012 International Conference of RSBMB and POSDRU Program

Bucharest, 13-14 September 2012

The 2011 International Conference of RSBMB and POSDRU Program

Craiova, 28-30 September 2011