Florentina Pena, PhD
Group: Molecular Cell Biology
Department: Molecular Cell BiologyResearcher
Research interests: protein folding, endoplasmic reticulum stress, hypoxia
PhD (2006), University of Bucharest
postdoctoral studies (2006-2008) - Utrecht University, Ineke Braakman group, the Netherlands
since 2009 researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry, Stefana's Petrescu laboratory
Grants received as PI:
1) "Cellular mechanisms associated with endoplasmic reticulum in hypoxia. Implications for biomedical research. ". 2010, UEFISCDI, (PN-II-RU-TE-2010-0048)
2) "A robust platform for the discovery of anti-diabetic compounds". 2017, UEFISCDI, (PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2016-1660)
. "Novel luciferase-based GLP-1 reporter assay reveals naturally-occurring secretagogues", British journal of pharmacology, (2022)
IF: 9.47AI: 1.62 -
. "Characterization of CNPY5 and its family members", Protein Sci 28(7): 1276-1289, (2019)
IF: 3.87 -
. "Current methods for investigation of the unfolded protein response", Romanian Biotechnological Letters 18(4), (2013)
IF: 0.36 -
. "Calcium as a crucial cofactor for low density lipoprotein receptor folding in the endoplasmic reticulum", The Journal of biological chemistry 285(12): 8656-64, (2010)
IF: 5.33 -
. "Efficient IgM assembly and secretion require the plasma cell induced endoplasmic reticulum protein pERp1", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106(40): 17019-24, (2009)
IF: 9.47 -
. "Thermodynamic properties of hyperpolarization-activated current (Ih) in a subgroup of primary sensory neurons", Experimental brain research 173(2): 282-90, (2006)
IF: 2.00 -
. "Extracellular trypsin increases ASIC1a selectivity for monovalent versus divalent cations", Journal of neuroscience methods 144(2): 241-8, (2005)
IF: 1.78 -
. "Amitriptyline has a dual effect on the conductive properties of the epithelial Na channel", The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 54(10): 1393-8, (2002)
IF: 1.30
Platforma robusta pentru descoperirea de medicamente anti-diabetice
Project director: Florentina Pena
Societatea contemporana se afla in mijlocul unei epidemii globale de diabet zaharat tip 2. Aceasta boala este caracterizata de concentratii patologic crescute de glucoza in sangele pacientilor datorita productiei, secretiei si utilizarii inadecvate a insulinei - hormonul principal care regleaza concentratia de glucoza serica. Ne propunem sa generam linii reporter stabile ce pot fi utilizate pentru cuantificarea insulinei secretate.