Sorin Tunaru, Dr.

Sorin Tunaru is a researcher in the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy. Sorin is currently working in Cell Signaling Research in the Enzymology.
. "Oleic acid released by sensory neurons inhibits TRPV1-mediated thermal hypersensitivity via GPR40", iScience 27(8): 110552, (2024)
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.110552.
IF: 4.60AI: 1.49 -
. "A whole organism small molecule screen identifies novel regulators of pancreatic endocrine development", Development (Cambridge, England) 146(14), (2019)
IF: 5.76 -
. "Nicotinamide limits replication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and BCG within macrophages", The Journal of infectious diseases, (2019)
IF: 5.04 -
. "20-HETE promotes glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in an autocrine manner through FFAR1", Nature communications 9(1): 177, (2018)
IF: 11.88 -
. "Dysregulation of lysophosphatidic acids in multiple sclerosis and autoimmune encephalomyelitis", Acta neuropathologica communications 5(1): 42, (2017)
. "The G2A receptor (GPR132) contributes to oxaliplatin-induced mechanical pain hypersensitivity", Scientific reports 7(1): 446, (2017)
. "The leukotriene B4 receptors BLT1 and BLT2 form an antagonistic sensitizing system in peripheral sensory neurons", The Journal of biological chemistry 292(15): 6123-6134, (2017)
. "Arachidonic Acid Metabolite 19(S)-HETE Induces Vasorelaxation and Platelet Inhibition by Activating Prostacyclin (IP) Receptor", PloS one 11(9): e0163633, (2016)
IF: 2.81 -
. "Loss of FFA2 and FFA3 increases insulin secretion and improves glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetes", Nature medicine 21(2): 173-7, (2015)
. "A novel luminescence-based method for the detection of functionally active antibodies to muscarinic acetylcholine receptors of the M3 type (mAchR3) in patients' sera", Clinical and experimental immunology 177(1): 179-89, (2014)
IF: 3.04AI: 1.00 -
. "Conserved MIP receptor-ligand pair regulates Platynereis larval settlement", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(20): 8224-9, (2013)
AI: 4.90 -
. "Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(23): 9179-84, (2012)
AI: 4.90 -
. "Nicotinic acid (niacin): new lipid-independent mechanisms of action and therapeutic potentials", Trends in pharmacological sciences 32(12): 700-7, (2011)
. "An autocrine lactate loop mediates insulin-dependent inhibition of lipolysis through GPR81", Cell metabolism 11(4): 311-9, (2010)
IF: 18.21AI: 9.40 -
. "Nicotinic acid- and monomethyl fumarate-induced flushing involves GPR109A expressed by keratinocytes and COX-2-dependent prostanoid formation in mice", The Journal of clinical investigation 120(8): 2910-9, (2010)
. "GPR109A, GPR109B and GPR81, a family of hydroxy-carboxylic acid receptors", Trends in pharmacological sciences 30(11): 557-62, (2009)
AI: 3.30 -
. "Deorphanization of GPR109B as a receptor for the beta-oxidation intermediate 3-OH-octanoic acid and its role in the regulation of lipolysis", The Journal of biological chemistry 284(33): 21928-33, (2009)
. "Thyrocyte-specific Gq/G11 deficiency impairs thyroid function and prevents goiter development", The Journal of clinical investigation 117(9): 2399-407, (2007)
. "Characterization of determinants of ligand binding to the nicotinic acid receptor GPR109A (HM74A/PUMA-G)", Molecular pharmacology 68(5): 1271-80, (2005)
AI: 1.70 -
. "Comparative analysis of functional assays for characterization of agonist ligands at G protein-coupled receptors", Journal of biomolecular screening 8(5): 500-10, (2003)
AI: 0.60 -
. "Sphingosine 1-phosphate and dioleoylphosphatidic acid are low affinity agonists for the orphan receptor GPR63", Cellular signalling 15(4): 435-46, (2003)
. "PUMA-G and HM74 are receptors for nicotinic acid and mediate its anti-lipolytic effect", Nature medicine 9(3): 352-5, (2003)
No grants.