Anca Roseanu, Dr.

Anca Roseanu
Group: Ligand-Receptor Interactions
Department: Ligand-Receptor Interactions

Head of Department

Research interests: TBA




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Intarirea capacitatii administrative a Institutului de Biochimie 2010
Acronym: ICAIB
Project director: Anca Roseanu

Începând cu data de 16.06.2010, Institutul de Biochimie beneficiază de asistenţă financiară nerambursabilă pentru implementarea proiectului “Întărirea capacităţii administrative”, în baza contractului de finanţare nr. 167/16.06.2010 semnat cu Organismul Intermediar ANCS Bucureşti.

Human lactoferrin-derived peptides with broad spectrum antiviral activity 2017-2018
Budget: 133.300 Euro
Project director: Catalin Lazar

Lactoferrin (Lf), an immunomodulatory glycoprotein was shown to interfere with the life-cycles of many viruses. Our group has rationally designed and characterized the anti-HBV activity of an Lf-derived peptide containing one of the cationic clusters. This project proved the concept that the development of non-toxic, small Lf-derived molecule(s) with a broad-spectrum anti-viral activity may constitute a valuable, cheaper alternative to the current standard of care.