Gabriela Bunu, Mrs.

Gabriela Bunu
Group: Systems Biology of Aging
Department: Bioinformatics & Structural Biochemistry

PhD student, Bioinformatics research assistant


Gabriela is a bioinformatics researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry, focussing on curation for aging-related data, analysis of large screen datasets and network-based analyses. She has a multidisciplinary background, having studied for two B.Sc. in parallel: computer science at the University of Bucharest and Pharmacy at the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Gabriela is currently following a residency programme in Pharmacy and is interested in pharmaco-genomics, and its applications to gerontology. Her passion for gerontology has started during her undergrad years, when she studied the oxidative stress biomarkers in hypertension in the elderly, as part of her graduation project at the National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics “Ana Aslan” in Bucharest.




Gerontomics: Multi-omics prediction system for prioritization of gerontological interventions 2016-2021
Acronym: Gerontomics
Project director: Robi Tacutu

Starting 02.09.2016, the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy is implementing the project “Multi-omics prediction system for prioritization of gerontological interventions”, co-funded through European Fund for Regional Development, in accordance with the funding contract signed by the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research. The total funding for the project is 8.524.757,50 lei, of which 8.502.557,50 lei represent non-reimbursable funding. The project’s duration is 48 months.

Impact of Early life MetaBolic and psychosocial strEss on susceptibility to mental Disorders; from converging epigenetic signatures to novel targets for therapeutic intervention 2019-2022
Acronym: EMBED
Project director: Robi Tacutu

Starting 01.06.2019, the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy is implementing the EMBED project, funded by UEFISCDI (contract 103, from 01.06.2019), through the ERA-NET COFUND-NEURON III grant call. The project aims to assess the shared molecular links between pre- and post-natal, metabolic and psychosocial stress, and the risks of depression later in life, and its duration will be 36 months.

Gene Transcriptional Signatures in Healthy Ageing and Related Pathologies 2020-2022
Acronym: GeT-SHARP
Budget: 431,900 RON
Project director: Robi Tacutu

The project aims to analyze and compare the age-related transcriptomics signatures in variuos tisues, both in healthy and pathological individuals, in order to identify shared or unique aging signature that drive aging or age-related diseases.