Teodora Bucaciuc

Currently this member has a different affiliation
Group: Systems Biology of Aging
Department: Bioinformatics & Structural BiochemistryBiography
Teodora Bucaciuc is a researcher in the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy. Teodora is currently working in Systems Biology of Aging in the Bioinformatics & Structural Biochemistry.
. "Small molecules for cell reprogramming: a systems biology analysis", Aging 13(24): 25739-25762, (2021)
IF: 5.68AI: 1.16 -
. "MetaboAge DB: a repository of known ageing-related changes in the human metabolome", Biogerontology 21(6): 763-771, (2020)
IF: 3.77AI: 1.13 -
. "Healthy Biological Systems", pp 53-78, Explaining Health Across the Sciences, Springer, Cham, (2020).
ISBN: 978-3-030-52662-7
Gerontomics: Multi-omics prediction system for prioritization of gerontological interventions
Acronym: Gerontomics
Project director: Robi Tacutu
Starting 02.09.2016, the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy is implementing the project “Multi-omics prediction system for prioritization of gerontological interventions”, co-funded through European Fund for Regional Development, in accordance with the funding contract signed by the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research. The total funding for the project is 8.524.757,50 lei, of which 8.502.557,50 lei represent non-reimbursable funding. The project’s duration is 48 months.