Identification of new molecules involved in melanoma associated antigens production

Identification of new molecules involved in melanoma associated antigens production 2020-2022
Acronym: ImmunoMOD
Budget: 246,950 RON
Project director: Gabriela Chiritoiu
External website: full link

This project aims to develop new strategies to improve the capacity of antigen presenting tumor cells to activate cytotoxic T cells and hamper immune escape mechanisms in cancer.

Gabriela Chiritoiu, PhD
Gabriela Chiritoiu, PhD

Scientific Researcher III

Gabriela Chiritoiu graduated from Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bucharest (2004-2008). She received her Ph.D. in Biology from the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy in 2016, under the supervision of dr. Stefana Petrescu and her thesis was focused on investigating the role of glycosylation and ERAD (endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation) in epitope generation and antigen presentation. More...

Andrei-José Petrescu, PhD
Andrei-José Petrescu, PhD

Head of Department

Andrei heads the Department of Bioinformatics since 1999. He developed computational assisted work relevant in many fields of molecular life sciences reflected by a large web of collaborations with groups from Oxford, Yal More...