Dmitri Toren, Ph.D.

Group: Systems Biology of Aging
Department: Bioinformatics & Structural BiochemistryAssistant researcher
. "Small molecules for cell reprogramming: a systems biology analysis", Aging 13(24): 25739-25762, (2021)
IF: 5.68AI: 1.16 -
. "Knock-down of odr-3 and ife-2 additively extends lifespan and healthspan in C. elegans", Aging 13(17): 21040-21065, (2021)
IF: 5.60AI: 1.16 -
. "Machine Learning Analysis of Longevity-Associated Gene Expression Landscapes in Mammals", International journal of molecular sciences 22(3): 1073, (2021)
IF: 4.56AI: 1.06 -
. "Systems biology analysis of lung fibrosis-related genes in the bleomycin mouse model", Scientific reports 11(1): 19269, (2021)
IF: 4.38AI: 1.21 -
. "Gray whale transcriptome reveals longevity adaptations associated with DNA repair and ubiquitination", Aging cell 19(7): e13158, (2020)
IF: 7.24AI: 2.61 -
. "SynergyAge, a curated database for synergistic and antagonistic interactions of longevity-associated genes", Scientific data 7(1): 366, (2020)
IF: 5.54AI: 3.25 -
. "Human Ageing Genomic Resources: new and updated databases", Nucleic acids research 46(D1): D1083-D1090, (2018)
IF: 11.15AI: 4.48 -
. "De novo assembling and primary analysis of genome and transcriptome of gray whale Eschrichtius robustus", BMC evolutionary biology 17(Suppl 2): 258, (2017)
IF: 3.03 -
. "MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity", Nucleic acids research 44(D1): D1262-5, (2016)
IF: 10.16AI: 3.84 -
. "Wound healing and longevity: lessons from long-lived αMUPA mice", Aging 7(3): 167-76, (2015)
. "Human Ageing Genomic Resources: integrated databases and tools for the biology and genetics of ageing", Nucleic acids research 41(Database issue): D1027-33, (2013)
IF: 8.81AI: 3.40 -
. "Co-regulation of polar mRNA transport and lifespan in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae", Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.) 11(22): 4275-80, (2012)
IF: 5.24 -
. "Healthy Biological Systems", pp 53-78, Explaining Health Across the Sciences, Springer, Cham, (2020).
ISBN: 978-3-030-52662-7
Starting 02.09.2016, the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy is implementing the project “Multi-omics prediction system for prioritization of gerontological interventions”, co-funded through European Fund for Regional Development, in accordance with the funding contract signed by the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research. The total funding for the project is 8.524.757,50 lei, of which 8.502.557,50 lei represent non-reimbursable funding. The project’s duration is 48 months.
The project aims to analyze and compare the age-related transcriptomics signatures in variuos tisues, both in healthy and pathological individuals, in order to identify shared or unique aging signature that drive aging or age-related diseases.
The project aims to experimentally develop an integrated and automated solution for screening drugs and genetic interventions for neurodegenerative diseases, using the nematode C. elegans and ageing-related data.