Stefana-Maria Petrescu, Dr.

Group: Molecular Cell Biology
Department: Molecular Cell BiologyDirector of Institute, Head of Department
Dr. Petrescu graduated from the Department of Biochemistry, University of Bucharest and obtained a PhD in Biology from the Romanian Academy. She was a DAAD fellow and FEBS fellowship recipient at University of Wurzburg, Germany, during 1990. She followed postdoctoral studies in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Oxford, UK. She obtained three consecutive Wellcome Trust Grants in collaboration with the University of Oxford from 1995- 2004. She investigated the glycobiology of tyrosinase from melanoma cells contributing to the fundamental mechanisms of calnexin associated folding and quality control of glycoproteins. She proposed tyrosinase as a model glycoprotein for the investigation of the endoplasmic reticulum quality control and protein degradation in ERAD. Dr. Petrescu has been granted the Award Emil Racovita of the Romanian Academy for the work on tyrosinase folding in 2002. She is President of the Romanian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology since 2010. She served as a member of the ERC panel Development and Cell Biology 2007- 2015 and as a member of the FEBS Advanced Courses Committee from 2016-2019. She is Deputy- Editor of Molecular Life.
. "Methionine oxidation selectively enhances T cell reactivity against a melanoma antigen", iScience(107205), (2023)
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107205
IF: 6.10AI: 1.63 -
. "EDEM1 regulates the insulin mRNA level by inhibiting the endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced IRE1/JNK/c-Jun pathway", iScience 26(10): 107956, (2023)
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107956
IF: 6.10AI: 1.63 -
. "New panel of biomarkers to discriminate between amelanotic and melanotic metastatic melanoma", Frontiers in oncology 12: 1061832, (2023)
doi: doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.1061832
IF: 5.74AI: 1.15 -
. "Defining the altered glycoproteomic space of the early secretory pathway by class I mannosidase pharmacological inhibition", Frontiers in molecular biosciences 9: 1064868, (2022)
IF: 6.11AI: 1.33 -
. "Targeting EDEM protects against ER stress and improves development and survival in C. elegans", PLoS genetics 18(2): e1010069, (2022)
IF: 5.90AI: 2.47 -
. "Affinity proteomics and deglycoproteomics uncover novel EDEM2 endogenous substrates and an integrative ERAD network", Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP: 100125, (2021)
IF: 5.91AI: 2.26 -
. "EDEM3 Domains Cooperate to Perform Its Overall Cell Functioning", Int. J. Mol. Sci. 4(22): 2172, (2021)
IF: 4.56AI: 0.80 -
. "EDEM1 Drives Misfolded Protein Degradation via ERAD and Exploits ER-Phagy as Back-Up Mechanism When ERAD Is Impaired", International Journal of Molecular Sciences 10(21): 3468, (2020)
IF: 4.10 -
. "Profiling Optimal Conditions for Capturing EDEM Proteins Complexes in Melanoma Using Mass Spectrometry", Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1140: 155-167, (2019)
IF: 2.13 -
. "Inhibition of N-glycan processing modulates the network of EDEM3 interactors", Biochemical and biophysical research communications 486(4): 978-984, (2017)
IF: 2.56 -
. "Novel function of the endoplasmic reticulum degradation-enhancing α-mannosidase-like proteins in the human hepatitis B virus life cycle, mediated by the middle envelope protein", Cellular microbiology 19(2), (2017)
. "Epitope located N-glycans impair the MHC-I epitope generation and presentation", Electrophoresis 37(11): 1448-60, (2016)
IF: 2.74 -
. "Characterization of functional transient receptor potential melastatin 8 channels in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells", Pancreas 43(5): 795-800, (2014)
IF: 2.96AI: 0.90 -
. "Value of dopachrome tautomerase detection in the assessment of melanocytic tumors", Melanoma research 24(3): 219-36, (2014)
. "Activation of ERAD pathway by human hepatitis B virus modulates viral and subviral particle production", PloS one 7(3): e34169, (2012)
IF: 3.73AI: 1.50 -
. "Tyrosinase degradation is prevented when EDEM1 lacks the intrinsically disordered region", PloS one 7(8): e42998, (2012)
. "C-terminus glycans with critical functional role in the maturation of secretory glycoproteins", PloS one 6(5): e19979, (2011)
IF: 4.09AI: 1.80 -
. "Tyrosinase-related protein-2 and -1 are trafficked on distinct routes in B16 melanoma cells", Biochemical and biophysical research communications 328(4): 914-21, (2005)
. "The inhibition of early N-glycan processing targets TRP-2 to degradation in B16 melanoma cells", The Journal of biological chemistry 278(29): 27035-42, (2003)
. "N-glycosylation processing and glycoprotein folding-lessons from the tyrosinase-related proteins", Chemical reviews 100(12): 4697-712, (2000)
. "Folding and maturation of tyrosinase-related protein-1 are regulated by the post-translational formation of disulfide bonds and by N-glycan processing", The Journal of biological chemistry 275(41): 32200-7, (2000)
. "Tyrosinase and glycoprotein folding: roles of chaperones that recognize glycans", Biochemistry 39(18): 5229-37, (2000)
. "Mutations at critical N-glycosylation sites reduce tyrosinase activity by altering folding and quality control", The Journal of biological chemistry 275(11): 8169-75, (2000)
. "Investigation of the intracellular transport of tyrosinase and tyrosinase related protein (TRP)-1. The effect of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-glucosidases inhibition", Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France) 45(7): 1001-10, (1999)
. "Protein specific N-glycosylation of tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein-1 in B16 mouse melanoma cells", The Biochemical journal 344 Pt 3: 659-65, (1999)
. "The solution NMR structure of glucosylated N-glycans involved in the early stages of glycoprotein biosynthesis and folding", The EMBO journal 16(14): 4302-10, (1997)
. "Conformation-independent binding of monoglucosylated ribonuclease B to calnexin", Cell 88(1): 29-38, (1997)
AI: 26.40 -
. "Structural Assessment of Glycosylation Sites Database - SAGS – An Overall View on N-Glycosylation", pp 3-20, Glycosilation, InTech, (2012).
ISBN: 978-953-51-0771-2
Scopul PROCERA este de a dezvolta infrastructura IBAR pentru cresterea capacitatii de cercetare-dezvoltare C-D in domeniul biochimiei si biologiei moleculare pe plan national, precum si a competitivitatii cercetarii stiintifice romanesti la nivel european.
Programul Postdoctoral "Biotehnologii Celulare si Moleculare cu Aplicatii in Medicina", se adreseaza tinerilor cu diploma de doctor in biologie, chimie, fizica, medicina si informatica - interesati de burse de cercetare Post Doctorala la standarde europene.
Bone loss represents one of the most important health problems experienced by Space travelling astronauts. Microgravity produces deterioration of the skeleton due to lack of mechanical loading thus affecting both muscle and bones. Tendons stiffness decreases, muscle fibres atrophies and attenuates their metabolic capacity, whileprogressive cartilage loss occurs.
A detailed knowledge of the mechanisms of antigen processing and presentation is essential to optimize cancer vaccination. known as Endoplasmic Reticulum Associated Degradation (ERAD). Non cytosolic misfolded proteins, synthesized at the endoplasmic reticulum are degraded to peptides by a complex machinery Cancer immunotherapy aims at harnessing the resources of the immune system to treat cancer.
A considerable fraction of all newly synthesized secretory polypeptides fail to attain their native conformation due to mutations, transcriptional and translational errors, folding defects or endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress conditions.
This project aims to develop a sensitive high-throughput screening platform by generating an endogenously tagged interleukin-1β reporter cell line by CRISPR-Cas9 technology, able to monitor stimulated IL-1β secretion with the purpose to identify new chemical compounds with anti-inflammatory activity that will be validated in primary macrophages and a mouse model for sepsis.